Students’ Dress Code

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In keeping with the mission and values of Universitatea Moldo-Americană, a dress code has been established to reflect standards of modesty, respect of self and others, and growth toward professionalism in the workplace. The goal is for students to be aware that churches, companies, and organizations may require high standards of dress. Modesty is defined as choosing clothing that does not draw undue attention to one’s self or any part of one’s anatomy. The University reserves the right to modify its dress code policy at any time during the academic year in order to respond to extreme or exaggerated fashion trends. UMA dress code expectations are to be followed while on all Southeastern University premises as well as at any UMA sponsored event.

UMA reserves the right to address nuances to the code on individual basis. Because modesty is subjective and body types vary, if at any time a UMA official (faculty, staff, or any student leader) approaches a student about a dress code concern, student cooperation is essential.

  • Styles and Graphics
    Appearances or clothing that are extreme and exaggerated, or otherwise identify attitudes, philosophies, or segments of society that are in opposition to Christian principles are not permitted. Extreme or exaggerated may be defined as that which is excessive, overstated, absurd, or distorted.
  • Shirts/Blouses/Tops
    Shirts and appropriate undergarments should be worn at all times. Shirts should be long enough to meet the top of pants, shorts or skirts; no midriff, or torso. Examples of inappropriate shirts, blouses, or tops would include, but are not limited to, those that are: sheer enough to expose undergarments or skin; backless; extremely low in the neckline; or cut/torn open below the arm.
  • Pants/Skirts
    Pants and skirts should be worn consistently high enough to meet the bottom edge of shirts, blouses, or tops; undergarments should not be visible.
  • Footwear
    For the protection of the health and safety of self and others, students are required to wear footwear while out and about around the campus, including but not limited to when in classrooms, chapel, eateries, lobbies, hallways, offices, and common bathrooms and when walking on sidewalks or other outdoor spaces.
  • Athletic Standards
    SEU understands the needs of athletes and the importance of discipline of the body; therefore, minor deviations from the dress code during practice and in competition are acceptable. The overall principle of modesty and respect should govern apparel choices for athletes in cooperation with the UMA leadership.
  • Classroom Standards / Chapel
    Individual departments and faculty members may have specific standards that apply to student’s appearance while completing practicums or internships. Out of respect, no headphones are allowed in class or chapel. More details concerning dress code guidelines will be discussed at various residence halls meetings.